
Showing posts from August, 2017


What a looooonnnnnng lecture.  This week's lecture on scrum was very useful and gave me a glimpse on what to expect on trello. I especially liked how it creates organisation amidst the chaos that programming entails. On the assignment 1, things were going rather smoothly. As the designer, my task were rather simple and coming up with the user interface did not take long. It was funny how my teammates were impressed by the design and felt that it must be extremely tough for me, whilst I felt the same for their roles as programmers. One thing I did learnt is on the types of design assets that I am supposed to pass to my teammates such as images in Png. Let us hope the next lecture is shorter!

What I hope to learn in CS3216

Things I wish to learn: How to work effectively with programmers How to design a good UX How to create a digital product The reason why I wish to learn these is because I believe that are much more benefits IT can bring to us simply by applying it in new areas and designing new products. By this I do not mean incremental improvement in products that are widely available but revolutionary products that are not yet available in the market, which can really improve the lives of many.